Welcome to Success Publications Store
Welcome to our Success Publications Store where we feature publications from our group of authors. In addition to having their books and epublications available on-line with retailers such as Amazon, Barns and Noble, iTunes, we will have each of their books and a brief description listed here. |
Our Authors:
(click on the author name to go to a detailed listing of all their books)
Greg Gazin
Bob Hooey (Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey)
Irene Gaudet
Alexis LeClair
Val Mohr
Click on each cover to go to a full page write-up for each publication as well as ordering information and links as well as current cost.




General Business Development


Leadership and Career Success

Personal Development

Presentation and Communication Skills


Time Management


Greg Gazin
Corey is a happy young boy who loves to play and enjoy life. He can talk to his teachers and his friends, but when it comes to speaking in front of a group of people, like ‘Show and Share’ or ‘Show and Tell’ at school, he’s scared. His tummy hurts and he gets butterflies in his stomach. He’s afraid the kids will laugh and make fun of him, like last time. Little does he know, that today that will change. He will make a new friend who will help him discover his confidence and show him, with a little system that any child can easily learn, how to tell a story and overcome his fear so he can deliver his presentation and outsmart those butterflies.
The fear of public speaking is one of the top fears in the world. In fact Jerry Seinfeld once said that people fear pubic speaking more than death and so the man delivering the eulogy would rather be in the coffin. For children, not having the ability to communicate with confidence in front of others can greatly hinder their ability to succeed in the future. In a fun and entertaining and storytelling style, this book can show children of all ages a way that might help them alleviate those butterflies in their stomach, overcome that fear of ridicule earlier in the life which might just help them go a long way. |
Order Paperback version from Amazon
Order from the Author in paperback or pdf version |
Alexis Leclair
In retirement, did you expect to be asking “What’s missing?” Retirement has always been a huge life change. Although we still call it by the same name, today’s retirement is different. It’s longer. It’s healthier. Options are diverse. Our needs and expectations may not be the same as generations before us.
For some of us, a time in retirement may come – earlier or later – when all the activities that fill our time are simply not enough. Not enough to be satisfying. Not enough to be meaningful. We search for more. We search for what’s missing.
This book tries to make sense of how that particular time feels and how to handle it. With this understanding, we may be able to answer the question “What’s missing?” and then move on to find what’s next: our retirement groove. |
Order Paperback version from Amazon
Order Kindle version from Amazon |
Val Mohr
An action book of short stories of how a trucking company started and survived after over-coming a fire, a law suit, high interest rates, banking problems, incredible roads, roll overs, uninvited bears, elk, bees and Government regulators while still showing compassion for a robin. They proved that there was still time to help expose boys to the trucking industry while all the time looking out for their employees with special trips for safe driving.
The book also contains pictures from the 2015 Grey Cup Eskimo win over Ottawa as a thank you for their help to the sick Children at the Stollery Children's Hospital.
Since all the profits of the book are donated to the Stollery Children's Hospital, the book also contains a brief write up on this Great Hospital as well as pictures.
A Must Read Book and a Great Gift. |
Order Colour Version of Third Edition from Amazon
Contact author for Fourth Edition |
This book hasw been written at the request of my children and grand-children, who have asked me numerous times to write about my life. I kept telling them that as soon as I knew what I wanted to put in and leave out I would write it!
This book is written for them. |
Order Colour version of Autobiography from Amazon |
A must read book for both the Novice and experienced traveller. I try to answer some questions that you may ask and also give you some hints that I have experienced in my travelling to seventy-five countries around the world. Learn about insurance, credit cards, flying free, getting bumped, and questions to ask when booking a tour or a flight. To prevent one problem will more than pay for the book.
All profits from this book go to the “Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation”
Happy and safe travels!
Order Paperback version from Amazon |
An interesting book written by a fourth Generation Canadian about a small country church founded in the late 1880's by German pioneer settlers. The church and cemetery, still in operation, is one of the best kept secrets in Alberta. The church stands as a landmark and serves the surrounding area. Its Ladies group is believed to be the oldest continuous operating Church Ladies group of any denomination in Alberta.
The author shares some of the struggles the church has had and how it attempted to rectify the issues. Hopefully, this country church can continue to operate in a community serving 6th and 7th generations still living in the same area.
The book was written in recognition of Canada’s 150 birthday.
Any profits from the sale of this book will be donated to the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. |
Order from Paperback colour version from Amazon
Contact author for Copy |
Irene Gaudet
For detailed information, including ordering information please click on the book cover to go to the Book Full Page.

Ordering information for Mom...How do You...? |
If you love to bake, like I do, somewhere along the way, someone had to introduce you to the joy of transforming that recipe you just had to try into something that is actually edible! For many of us, it was our mom. Maybe you grew up at her side, helping first by getting to lick the spoon, or maybe the eggbeater, or even that special treasure – the BOWL! I still can’t resist trying out the batter of any recipe I happen to be trying out. I insist it is because I need to know if it is good!
As you got older, you’d help by adding in the ingredients that she had carefully measured out. Sometimes, it would even end up in the mixing bowl! Eventually, we’d graduate to trying out that recipe ourselves – under Mom’s strict supervision, of course!
Every time I bake, it takes me back to those days. The days I shared with my mom; the joy we both found in baking. Thank you, Mom! I’ve been privileged to be able to share similar times with my two children and I hope that their memories are as fond as mine.
The idea for this book came from many conversations with my grown children who would call me up or send me a message online and ask me… “Mom, how do you…?” Well, sometimes the answer was at hand or deep in the recesses of memory, but other times I would have to go searching for a recipe or an answer. So, it is for that reason that I dedicate this book to my children. So, sometimes they will have the answer at hand.
One thing that is a little different in this book compared to most cookbooks and household hint books is that with many, there is a story that goes along with it. I also have included a short story at the beginning of chapters, just for fun and to share, mostly for my kids. Now, if you are like me, sometimes you buy cookbooks, not for the recipes, but to read! |
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
For detailed information, including ordering information on each book by Bob Hooey, please click on the book cover to go to the Book Full Page.
Leadership, Business, and Career Success series
Available in print, kindle and e-pub formats

Ordering information for Speaking for Success |
You can learn to be a more confident, persuasive, and powerful speaker! Many of us fear getting in front of an audience; perhaps a client, an employer, or a group of people.
Speaking for Success draws from 25 years first-hand expertise in crafting and delivering presentations around the globe. This idea-rich guide has proven tips, techniques, and creative ideas based on Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey’s real-life, on-stage experiences. They work, and, when applied, they will help you succeed in front of any audience.
Speak like a PRO! Your ability to succeed in life or business is leveraged on your ability to effectively communicate your ideas orally or in writing. Your ability to climb the corporate ladder is directly dependent on these skills. This pro-active idea-rich book, created by an award-winning, internationally accredited speaker, can give you solid skills and the understanding of what it takes to be an effective communicator. Enhance your communication abilities by applying proven ideas and success tools. Uncover innovative ideas and secrets from North America's finest communicators and speaking professionals. Overcome your fear of speaking and tap into your real power to connect and persuade an audience, team, or client to follow your lead. Discover how to accurately organize and powerfully convey your thoughts. Explore how to dramatically increase your chances of being promoted, increase sales, and successfully enhance your career. Successfully apply your enhanced communication skills as leadership, sales and negotiation tools. |

Ordering information for Legacy of Leadership |
Strive for significance - lead on purpose!
Whether your field is industry, hospitality, sales or marketing, association management or agriculture, we all need to deal with the changes and challenges that rise up, such a business reversal, a drought, unexpected storm or the after-effects of 9-11. The 'Legacy we Lead' is built on our effective engagement and strategic interaction with our teams. Being on the leading edge in any field or endeavor requires continuous and directed growth.
This idea-rich book written by a respected and proven leader, will rekindle your fires of ambition and achievement and provide the ideas and fuel needed to achieve them. Outline specific techniques, ideas, and innovative tools to equip and prepare yourself to inspire and to lead your organization to thrive and change to successfully meet the unique challenges of the 21st century. Enhanced performance is built on a commitment to personal leadership. You can successfully lead your teams to more productive growth and profitability.
Legacy of Leadership provides proven guidance for your leadership journey. |

Ordering information for Make ME Feel Special! |
Customer service is not 'a part' of your business... Customer service 'IS' your business!
Business success (whether retail, service-based, or even direct buyer connection) is built by establishing mutually profitable relationships; relationships where you make the customer (client) feel special. When you ‘Make ME Feel Special!’ you enhance your chances to convert me from a one-time customer to a raving fan and long-term profitable client and champion. What is driving you and your team? What is your defined purpose and strategic mission as an organization? What is your defined purpose and strategic mission as a professional? What are you providing for your prospective clients or customers? What are you doing to engage and profitably motivate your team? What are you doing to equip yourself and your team to grow and win?
You ‘make money’ in business primarily when you are in face-to-face or phone-to-phone sales, service, or follow up contact with your clients. You ‘earn that money’ by delivering on what you contract and you ‘leverage that money’ by maintaining good client contact and ongoing superior service. But first, you need to be and/or keep in contact with them. Keep in touch, treat them specially, and they will come back; and bring their friends and colleagues too.
Idea-rich Customer Service is a skillful blend of all three with a focus on making your clients feel special. We are dedicated to your growth and success! We’ve seen professionals, business owners, and top performing salespeople apply these techniques to create successful careers and profitable organizations. Working to create a customer service based, client centered culture will pay top dividends for years to come.Customer service is a ‘proven’ success tool for top performing professionals, business owners, and champion sales people.

Ordering information for Why Didn't I 'Think' of That? |
Creativity and applied innovation are success tools used by top performing business owners, professionals, and leaders. This skill provides a competitive edge in this global market. A wise man once told me, “My ability to earn would be directly dependent on my ability to ‘creatively’ solve client problems and to help people make better decisions.” I’ve taken his words to heart and worked diligently to make what I provide connect in my writing and client engagements!
As committed business owners and professionals, we are paid for our ability to creatively solve our client’s problems by providing services or products. As innovative leaders, managers, owners, sales professionals, or even association executives, ‘creativity’ and/or innovation is our stock-in-trade as we serve and solve our numerous client and membership needs.
The tools, tips, and techniques shared in ‘Why Didn’t I THINK of That?’ can be applied in at least three directions: Problem-solving and decision making Strategic planning for business and career enhancement Tapping your inner genius or Creative S.O.U.L. These creativity tools are ‘essential’ in helping you birth your dreams or in solving perplexing problems for your clients/customers and/or members you encounter. They can better help you form, train, and lead your teams. They can help you become more profitable, productive, and successful. Why Didn't I THINK of That? The creative power of Ideas at Work! can be your guide to enhanced success in life, sales, business and of course, more innovative leadership. |

Ordering information for Running TOO Fast |
Over the years I have had the privilege of investing my time and sharing my ‘Ideas At Work!’ with a wide range of people. I’ve worked with front line staff, service people, service providers, top level sales people, professional association members, successful business owners, and managers. I’ve spoken and conducted training sessions, including one based on what I share in ‘Running TOO Fast’ across the globe. I’ve found myself working more with leaders at various levels within associations and organizations as well as corporations.
What I’ve found is many of them share the same challenge. They are TOO busy! They are tired! I hear leaders telling me, “…life is good; but, out of control, over-committed and with a blurring lack of focus on the important things and people in their lives.” I’ve been there! I’ve been a freedom fighter for years, working to recapture my time and take personal leadership over my life, goals, and actions. Over the years I have been able to help leaders and business owners become more productive.
If you, as a leader, are TOO busy to invest time ‘critical’ to helping your team deal with their challenges, then everyone loses. We want to guide and assist you and your teams retake control of your lives by recapturing or repurposing your time. We want to help you become more productive, successfully grow, and to profitably win!
Running TOO Fast Idea-rich strategies to lead and still have a life! is written ‘just’ for you. Updated 2018

Ordering information for Think Beyond the FIRST Sale |
“This fast-moving, practical book, loaded with proven techniques and strategies, shows you how to make more sales, faster and easier, and how to keep those customers for life.” Brian Tracy, Speaker/Author – The Psychology of Selling
Explore proven ways to enhance your business, increase your sales, and build long-term client relationships. Learn how to:
- Increase the number of clients;
- Increase the average size of the sale per client;
- Increase the frequency at which a client returns to buy again.
Successful, top level sales professionals know this and ‘deliberately’ focus their energies on the most important aspects of the selling process – acquiring, serving, and keeping their clients. |
Ordering Information for Prepare Yourself to Win! |
I’ve faced challenges in many areas of my life (business, financial, physical, and relationships) where I applied some of the same preparation, determination, discipline and asking for help to move through to the winner’s zone. Moving into the winner’s zone means moving out of your comfort zone. If I can do it, you can!
• Want to be a champion sales person? – Prepare
• Want to be an effective leader? – Prepare
• Want to create a profitable and winning business? – Prepare
• Want to be a powerful presenter or speaker? – Prepare
• Want to live an effective and meaningful life? – Prepare
Canada’s Ideaman, Bob Hooey partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate profitable growth and enhanced success. He teaches the secrets of idea-rich business and leadership development built on solid foundations and taking strategic action. Leverage your future success by investing in yourself and your team today! Wishing you outstanding success as you prepare to amaze yourself in reaching and surpassing your goals.
Mini-book Success Series
Available in print, kindle and e-pub formats

Ordering information for Create Your Future! |
The foundations of successful, effective leadership start with each person taking personal responsibility for their own actions as part of a group, while feeling confident enough to suggest and accept revisions in team goals and performance. The foundations of long-term, profitable growth and success are built on CREATIVE personal and corporate leadership. Some once said, “The best way to predict YOUR future is to create it!” Why not lead it!
In business, particularly, we are paid for our ability to creatively solve our client’s problems; by the provision of services or products. As an executive, leader, or new entrepreneur, creativity is our stock in trade. We will succeed as we creatively serve and solve our client and staff needs. In business, particularly, we are paid for our ability to creatively solve our client’s problems; by the provision of services or products. As an executive, leader, or new entrepreneur, creativity is our stock in trade.
The tools we touch on will help you define the direction and outline the process you need to successfully reach the goals you set. To hone your leadership edge, you will need to dig in deeper in their application. They can be used in birthing your dreams for new products and services; or in solving perplexing problems for your team members you encounter enroute. |

Ordering information for Think Before you Ink! |
“Effective writing communicates the message in a way that makes it easier for the reader to relate and react positively to what they (reader) understand. Effective writing is helped or enhanced by ‘charting-a-course’ to convey your message with impact.” Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey
Perhaps, like me, you have found the idea of capturing your words in writing a bit intimidating. I have written this writing primer, just for you. It is not intended to be the definitive work on writing, simply one writer’s thoughts and experience in this area; mine! Writing on purpose. Whether you are planning an oral presentation or working on something in a written format, doing your homework and defining your purpose is critically important. This is where you “THINK Before You Ink!” |

Ordering information for Creativity Counts! |
Why is it some people seem to be more creative than others?
Why is it some companies seem to be leading on the creative edge?
Creativity Counts in long-term career and business success!
You make your mark and your living by creating solutions and even new industries to better serve the needs of your prospective clients. This little book can act as your creativity primer in giving you solid idea-rich strategies and practical tips. You can be more successful and competitive in today’s challenging market.
Ordering information for Generate More Sales... even in tough times |
How to gain the winning edge on your competition, ‘even’ in tough times
We have encountered ‘tough times’ in the past and are currently working through another series of challenges on a global level.
“Many sales people are ‘ASK’ resistant – they are afraid to ask for the sale. As a result, they fail to meet or exceed their full potential in the sales arena.”
Sales can be a challenging arena, ‘even’ more so in tough times. I believe these little tips as laid out in this book can help you generate more sales, and repeat business, in spite of your circumstances. They work, if you do! |
Ordering information for Sales Success... even in tough times |
Ultimately, the measurement and review of your value to your firm, as a sales person, is directly tied to your creative ability to sell. Your leadership team will look at your sales volume at any particular time during your firm’s term of measurement. That look might be monthly, quarterly, a twice yearly performance appraisal, or year end. But it will happen and it makes good sense to be both aware of it and prepare to ensure your sales results stand up under this scrutiny.
Sales master W. Clement Stone challenged his sales team to “Set a goal so Big, that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.”
This is not a time to play it safe, nor is it time to listen to those (even those who may be relatively successful in selling) who would tell you setting goals is a waste of time. It isn’t and your success and growth in the sales field will be directly tied to your ability to formally set and achieve your goals. You can reach sales success even in tough times and we want to help you in that worthy quest. |

Ordering information for Unleash your 'Business' Potential |
How to gain the winning edge on your competition, ‘even’ in tough times.
We have encountered ‘tough times’ in the past and are currently working through another series of challenges on a global level. These are the times when our creativity and persistence are stretched. These are the times when our commitment to growth and profitability are challenged. These are the times when we prove to ourselves and our prospective clients just how good we are.
There are many ideas which, when acted upon, give you a competitive edge. They will enable you to out-market, out-think, and out-perform your competition, even in tough times. |
Ordering information for Learn to Listen |
Listening is the ‘effective’ business builder’s forgotten communications skill. Active, strategic listening is the secret skill applied by top performing leaders and their teams. This is what you should have been given in grade one to help you succeed in school! Active listening will help you gain the ‘edge’ both personally and professionally in your communication efforts. Your business effectiveness will increase as you apply these skills. This customer service skill will help you and your team to enhance your productivity in business! Listening enhances your communication skill set.
What do you envision in your quest for success?
Career mobility and promotion? Active listening can open doors.
More effective or dynamic leadership? Active listening (asking questions to draw wisdom from your team) can lead to mutual success as well as team satisfaction and enhanced morale.
Better working relationship with your colleagues? Making the effort to be actively interested in their lives and concerns help build solid mutually beneficial relationships.
Enhanced sales and client retention? Active listening skills help you probe to find out what your prospective clients actually want. Then, you can amaze them by delivering value in demonstrable ways.
Increased intimacy in your personal relationships? Making the other person feel heard goes a long way to demonstrating their value in your world.
Better relationships with your children? Why not apply your active listening skills in finding out what is important to them and what is happening in their lives?
Whether your quest is effective career or leaderships success, a more profitable business, more productive teams, or better relationships, we can help.

Ordering information for Running to WIN! |
We live in an increasingly hectic and demanding world. The demands of running a business or having a career, overlap and conflict with the demands of having a life, being a spouse or parent, and enjoying the fruits of our labor. Many of us are already running as fast as we can – and we’re not keeping up. This e-manual is designed for those who are “Running to WIN!” It is written by someone who has learned the value of leveraging his time investment for greater success and productivity. You can too!
If you are like me, you may occasionally find yourself with too much on your already “full” plate. You’ve said “YES” a few too many times, without counting the cost, or estimating the time actually needed to do what you’ve just promised. As a writer and speaker I am constantly tempted to take on "just one more client", "just one more engagement", or "just one more writing project." In doing so, I often find myself staying up late to meet commitments or rushing from airport to venue.
Take hope – take action! You can make the necessary changes to free up your time for the important people and priorities in your life.
It’s your time. Why not choose to invest it more wisely? When you are Running to WIN! – why not learn how to finish YOUR race and still have a life. |

Ordering information for Get to Yes! |
If you want to be consistently successful and persuasive in the sales or negotiation process you need only understand and apply some simple ideas. Make it simple, keep your focus, and work through to a positive result that works for all parties.
As a sales professional or negotiator:
- You will be more effective, when you are sensitive and aware of the real needs, motivation and position of your client.
- You will be more powerful, when you are clear about your own needs, motivation, position and what you bring to the table.
- You will be more persuasive when you learn to actively listen, state your case with clarity and confidence.
We need to explore ways of being more effective with our time which will free up our energy and resources for our most important goal - finding, negotiating with, selling, and retaining our clients.
To be effective in sales and business, you must deal with three areas. Pain,
To the degree that you work with your clients to take care of these areas your profitability and long term viability will be impacted. If we help people deal with their pain - will they need us when it's gone? Helping them to gain offers a bit more opportunity to serve. But if you can work with them thru the pain, help them gain and then take them thru to helping them grow and sustain growth you will become a major part of their team. |

Ordering information for The Courage to Lead!
In life, we have the opportunity thrust upon us to make changes, and to take personal leadership in dealing with those changes. A death, a major illness, or a major economic upheaval can force us to take stock of our lives at that point, and make sometimes-radical changes. To take leadership in our own lives and the lives of those we love, lead or work with on a daily basis.
As competition becomes more global in our changing economy, we find businesses and professional associations being stretched and tested. Staffing has become more challenging, and so has training and marketing.
Customers are becoming more demanding and specific in what they want. Change is pushed on us everywhere we turn. We can avoid change, can’t we? That’s what too many business leaders think and miss their full potential.
Isn’t it better to seize the opportunities to change and grow? Isn’t it better to be a leader who is open to learn, stretch, and to push yourself and your team past your own comfort zones? Isn’t it better to lead than follow in the dust?
This change is a creative leadership choice! Life is a series of changes and choices, why not take personal leadership and control their direction and pace? Why not decide to be a leader, not a follower!
It takes courage to lead, but it is so worth it to see your own growth and the growth and success of those you lead. Check out some of these idea-rich team empowerment strategies. Go for it! |
Idea-Rich Leaders Edge Series (mini books)

Ordering information for Serve! |
Business success (retail, service-based, or even direct buyer connections) is built on establishing mutually profitable relationships; relationships where you make the customer (client) feel special.
How much is your business worth? Perhaps you see the reason why so many successful stores have liberal return or service satisfaction policies.
What changes are needed to make your policies more client friendly? Canada’s Ideaman, Bob Hooey partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate for profitable growth and success. He teaches secrets of Idea-rich business and leadership development built on solid foundations and taking strategic action. |

Ordeering information for Lead! |
12 idea-rich strategies for ‘Bringing out the BEST in your people’ is a primer for serious leaders who want to enhance productivity, build morale, and equip their teams to more profitably succeed.
It draws on 29 years plus idea-rich leadership experience. Canada’s Ideaman, Bob Hooey partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate for profitable grown and enhanced success. He teaches the secrets of idea-rich business and leadership development built on solid foundations and taking strategic action.
“My continued leadership growth and sharing of my leadership lessons are my gift back to my ‘guides’ for the faith they showed in my life. Leadership is a ‘giving back’ life style of choice and commitment.”

Ordering information for Time! |
We live in an increasingly hectic and demanding world. The demands of running a business or having a career, overlap and conflict with the demands of having a life, being a spouse or parent, and enjoying the fruits of our labor.
Many of us are already running as fast as we can – and we’re not keeping up. I hear leaders and their teams telling me, “…life is good; but, out of control, over-committed and with a blurring lack of focus on the important things and people in their lives.”
We can help you regain focus and free up productive time to live! |

Ordering information for Speak! |
Your dream may not be to become a professional speaker. But, if you have invested in this book my guess is you have a desire to become a better, more confident speaker, right?
You can learn to speak like a PRO! What follows in these ‘SPEAK’ pages are tips, creative techniques, proven ideas, and exercises to help you move that dream or desire into a reality. Ideas, when acted upon, can become forces for good that can change the world. Evocative, engaging words reinforce those ideas and add power to your presentation inspiring people to act on your ideas. |

Ordering information for Create! |
A wise man once told me, “My ability to earn would be directly dependent on my ability to ‘creatively’ solve client problems and to help people make better decisions.” I’ve taken his words to heart and worked diligently to make in my writing and client engagements!
As committed business owners and professionals, we are paid for our ability to creatively solve our client’s problems by the providing services or products. As innovative leaders, managers, owners, sales professionals, or even association executives, ‘creativity’ and/or innovation is our stock-in-trade as we serve and solve our numerous client and membership needs.
The tools, tips, and techniques shared in ‘CREATE!’ And ‘Why Didn’t I THINK of That?’ can be applied in at least three directions: •Problem-solving and decision making•Strategic planning for business and career enhancement•Tapping your inner genius or Creative S.O.U.L. It has been my experience that the ‘tools’, tips, tid-bits, and techniques in this book will help you in the process of defining the direction and outlining the creative process you need to ‘successfully’ reach the goals you set for yourself and your respective teams. |
Ordering information for Creative Conflict |
Effective leadership is a commitment to interaction and connection with people, some of whom are difficult to deal with on occasion. One thing I have learned over many years, in a variety of leadership and team roles, is conflict naturally happens when people come together.
Conflict results when people with varying viewpoints, cultures, experiences and agendas attempt to connect or co-operate in a relationship, a venture or even a common cause of great importance. CONFLICT is simply a bi-product of the interaction and connection between people. Handling it effectively is a part of the leadership process!
Resolve to be an ‘effective’ leader and welcome ‘creative conflict’ as an opportunity to help your team grow and succeed. |
Ordering information for Sell! |
Pocket Wisdom series
Available in print format only. Please Contact the Author.
Co-authored books

Ordering information for In the Company of Leaders |
The world needs more leaders!
Communities, corporations, as well as volunteer organizations, like Toastmasters International, cry out for courageous leaders. People, like you and me, who are willing to take greater personal leadership. Leaders who are committed to equipping and motivating those who would follow them to grow, to become more productive, and to succeed.
In short, we need you! It is our quest to provide, in this publication, tools, tips, and techniques garnered from these top leaders and generous experts which will assist you in your own leadership journey. We trust you will apply what we’ve shared in your own quest to better serve and equip your teams. |

Ordering information for Foundational Success |
Whether you are planning on building a house, a charting a successful career, or building a profitable business, starting with a strong foundation ensures whatever you build is better equipped to stand the tests of time and storms that might come your way. We trust that Foundational Success will provide solid guidance in laying a strong foundation for your ongoing growth and long-term success. Each of our 30 expert authors is committed to providing solid ‘building blocks’ for your personal and professional success. Building Blocks: • Drawn from their personal experience and expertise. • Drawn from various areas, interests, and sizes to allow you to fit them where most helpful and needed. • Drawn from their interaction and engagement with people like you and me around the world. • Drawn from generous hearts and engaged minds.
View the wisdom from our fabulous co-authors (in order of appearance) who generously helped with this project in support of the CAPS Foundation: Michelle Devlin, Patricia Fripp, George Torok, Donald Cooper, Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, Patrick J. McKenna, Sid Ridgley, Jim Cathcart, Jim Clemmer, Neil Dempster, Terry Pithers, Nido Qubein, Sam Silverstein, David Saxby, Eric S. Trogdon, Joanne Blake, Shelle Rose Charvet, Randall Craig, Azim Jamal, Alvin Law, Robyn Pearce, Rhonda Scharf, Paul du Toit, Seth Godin, Michael Hughes, Donald Jessep, Michel Neray, Kelly Robertson, Bob Urichuck, Roz Usheroff. Proceeds from the sale of this publication go to support the CAPS Foundation - Canadian Association of Professional Speakers |
This three volume success series will be re-released in 2019. |
Check back as we add additional publications. Check out the individual pages on each publication with more information as well as links to order.
Contact Us:
Success Publications, a division of Creativity Corner Inc.
#10 Creativity Corner Egremont, AB T0A 0Z0